
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"We are always teaching..."

a house of order...

It was a year ago that Bob had had a conversation with our Stake President about an activity we had wanted to have with our Arboleda Branch youth. Every Fast Sunday we have a "Noche de Crepas" with the YM and YW. This particular Sunday was unusual because it was not only crepe night but the Super Bowl. We lamented over what to do. Watch the game with them, forget the game or postpone until the next week. Pres. Ostler simply counseled "We are always teaching." So we had our crepe night in conflict with the game. I don't remember if we had a low YM turnout. It doesn't matter. The words "we are always teaching" comes up often as we make decisions with our calling and as parents.
After I finished reading this morning my heart remembered this counsel and so I want to share some thoughts.
In D&C 93 it teaches us first of light, then of learning, then of teaching.
2: Christ is the "true light that lighteth everyman that cometh into the world."
28:He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.
So bottom line...keep the commandments and there are more then twelve. We are commanded in many things. And this is the command given in 93 that is so important, especially to you parents raising kids now...
40: But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth

Now Frederick Williams is getting chewed up a bit here:

42: Ye have not taught your children light and truth, according to the commandments; and that wicked one hath power as yet, over you, and this is the cause of your affliction... "set in order your own house, for there are many things that are not right in your house..." Joseph Smith gets rebuked and then Newel Whitney on the same issue. It is safe to say that this would include all of us on some level. I can't teach if I don't know, and I can't know unless I am obedient. This is the condition of "light and truth." And here is the guide: D&C 109:7-8

Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even
a house of prayer,
a house of fasting,
a house of faith,
a house of learning,
a house of glory,
a house of order,
a house of God.

Take a deep breath... I know it sounds simpler then it is. Never get discouraged or give up. Be the light...so they can see the way.



  1. Hmmm... I am currently serving in the Stake YW - this topic would be a good one to share with them. It makes me think of how our daily actions are perhaps one of the most obvious forms of "teaching" through example. What we say and do teaches everyone around us what we believe and who we are are - our character shines through. I often wonder why I was called to be a stake leader since I would not consider myself to be the best example of anything.

  2. I never let myself think to much about why I am called to a position. It either induces pride or doubt. Rather, I just give the Lord my best and see what comes of it. Your best example to me? Your friendship. I will always cherish it. Although I admit you did have to take me in since we were related sort of! Perhaps it is your ability to be a great friend that the girls need to see? I love you Judy...

  3. Wow! I prayed this morning to know what to do with my house. Funny thing is the answer that came was..."get it organized"! Here I am eating lunch, and reading your blog, while my kids wait for me to get it together and again (through your entry),..."get organized"! I have heard that the Lord speaks through others, but, I wasn't expecting this...and I don't think that the answer meant organize my clutter...I got the feeling it meant my time, and priorities. Thanks for the advice! Funny how He answers prayers sometimes.

  4. Sarah, your strength and grace through a trial every mother and father fears is inspiring. You have no idea how many lives you have changed through your honest struggle and triumphs over Waylons passing. You will always be in our prayers. I hesitated to post this particular blog. Now I am glad I did.
