
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Braydon is waiting just around the corner...

Here he is!!!!
7 lbs. exactly
20.5 inches

10:40 am

OK, I just posted but they just checked her and she is at an 8!  A little of the cervic is hanging on but the nurse can feel his head and said it won't be long before she starts pushing.  Chelsee is really feeling this so they upped the dose.  Not helping much.  I change my time to 10:45!

The nurse just suggested with all this Brayden following that we start a college fund.  You can deposit your donations into Kristen Sanders bank account.  She promises not to spend it on a Christmas gift for Christi...or Ben (he made me say that).
 Chelsees Halloween Costume...Darth Vadors Good Twin Sister.  Actually, the baby has not responded to the stress very well and so the nurses here have tried to help him out with some oxygen. It has worked perfectly.  His heart beat is going strong.   She was really having issues with shaking and wanting to throw up so they gave her some kind of drug and sat her up and she feels all better!  His head is a stage 0 which means it is resting on the cervix.  She can feel each contraction enough to know it is there and they are very close together.  Her greatest discomfort is just the intense pressure which is just going to get worse!
Dad and Mom awaiting Brayden's birth.  

So Chelsee was suppose to go in to be induced 24 hours ago but the hospital was slammed with other deliveries so we were put in a holding pattern ALL DAY!  By evening we just decided to go to bed and hope we could get some sleep.  That seemed to do the trick because at 11:30pm Ben came to our room and said the hospital called and they finally had a room.  We should have gone to bed at noon.  So we got here around 12:30 and she  was put on the drip around 2:00.  Ben, Kristen and I took turns fight over who got the couch/bed or the up-right chair.   Much to our surprise at around 5:00 am Dr. Huish showed up!  He came in and found that she was at a 4 and 80% effaced and then broke her water!  He does not mess around.  That went quickly and I told Chelsee she needed to order that epidural STAT!  And I was correct!  She started feeling the real contractions right away.  The epidural didn't seem to go as smoothly as I have seen before.  She seemed to be in a lot of pain but she was strong and calm through the whole thing!  It is now almost 6:30 and the sun is just at the horizon.  Kristen has been great about texting everyone.  So now that you are all awake we will keep you posted through text and my blog.  Here are some pictures as we began this process of bringing baby Brayden into the world.  He's going to have red hair.  Just wait and see.  
Our best guess on when he will arrive:
Kristen - 11:00
Ben - 12:00
Christi - I think they are pretty close so I'll go with 11:30.  
Anyone can join the contest by just commenting.


Bens brought his pillow and looks like Chelsee did too...

Just settled in for the long haul

It was soooo cold in the room.Thankfully everyone agreed with me.  We are now defrosted and listening so some of Chelsees concerns.  They are many. Here is the latest:
   "What if the drug from the epidural goes to my heart and stops it?"  
She is just like her Dad wanting to watch the monitor the whole time.  She is finally settled down and going to sleep.  She will need it for what's coming up.
We just skyped with Meagan Nielson and now Kristen is doing her hair. 
More a little later.  

This is the first picture of Chelsee pregnant I could get!  She is due in two days.  I will be posting "appropriate" pictures in the hospital to keep everyone informed.  Now I am going to wake Chelsee up and find a trampoline...get this show on the road!


  1. It feels like Christmas! I have been praying so hard for ALLl of you. I'm so proud of Chelsee I could just burst. I know you are all so tired & anxious... I hope things move more quickly now. I put my guess in at 1:10pm just because Braydon has been so cozy in there & he wants to be fashionably late for his grand entrance! ;) Give Chelsee a squeeze for me & tell her I love her. Yay for Baby B! 10/22/10 is a fun number for a birthday too!

  2. I LOVE that pic of Chels and Ben, she looks so BEAUTIFUL! I'm guessing 1:05pm... sorry Meg, but Dax was born at 1:05am so I'm guessing Braydon will make his appearance at 1:05pm! Love you Chels!

  3. My guess - 1:30 pm. Chelsee don't get mad that we are all guessing later. :)

    Love you.

    Thanks mom for doing the whole posting thing!

  4. I will say 11:10 Good luck love!!! :)

  5. Dad says baby Braydon will make his debut at 5pm this afternoon. Chelsee is a slow poke... Love you all... let me know when to come down.

  6. Dang, I didn't get a text. I guess 10:40am 7lbs on the dot.

    Chels, I am so happy for you. You are going to be one amazing mother to that little boy.
