
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Especially for Grandma Linnell and Grandma Nielson

Here he is!!!! Delivered 1:08

9lbs. 3 oz. 20" long!

Chelsee and I are here in Kentucky awaiting the delivery of Dax Nielson...Bryce and Meghans first little baby. I know there are family members far away that would love to be here and so we thought it would be a great idea to post as the day goes along so you can feel like you were here...via cyberspace. So here are the first of the pictures...enjoy!
Bryce met us at the airport and helped get us settled into our room and then off to surprise Meghan. In the words of Chelsee:
Flight to Kentucky - $250.00
Gross airline food - $12.00
Surprising my BFF - Priceless!
We decided to go to Cheesecake to celebrate a new baby coming, friends and family but mostly because we were all just hungry. Meghan is as calm as can be... Chelsee on the other hand is running around making sure the machines are all working. Currently the machine is beeping for some unknown reason. Chelsee is sitting here saying..."Make it stop!"

Mom and Dad to be on the eve of there little baby boy coming...

Sitting in our B&B room (so cute) and visiting until midnight. It is great to laugh and catch up.

Norton Women's Pavilion

The parking lot was full so we had to park on the top! This is the entrance to the hospital.

Getting closer...

Meghan and Bryce are in room #5

Meghan was fast asleep...until Chelsee took this picture and woke her up.

Bryce is not doing school work though that would be assumed. He is busy talking to all the friends and family that are anxiously awaiting Dax's entrance.

Picture of Mom and babies heart rate. Looks like Meghan doesn't have one?

Taking lots of pictures.

Dax's first bed.

Playing cards on Meghan's belly.
They just came and upped the dose of pitocin. This little guy is not getting the hint. No pain yet... Almost time for lunch...Meghan gets ice chips...yummy!

More coming...

OK, it was only one minute later that a doctor came in and broke Meghan's water so it begins. The contractions are coming quickly. She doesn't feel much pain yet. It is 12:25 pm.

12:55pm: The contractions are coming every 45-60 seconds. She is trying to relax and breathe through them so the only sound in this room are my keys on this board. Bryce is sitting with her and helping her through the contractions. I am reminded of the amazing bond that occurs between a man and a woman when they bring a child into the world. Meghan is being strong, as always and Bryce is being sweet and attentive...and on the concerned side.
another update coming soon.

2:11pm- Meghan just had the epidural. She is feeling great! Thank heavens for modern medicine! We are just talking and laughing, things are going great here in room #5!

3:30pm - She is sleeping peacefully. She is dilated to a 4 1/2 and the nurse informed us that she will probably take a while before delivery. Live from 5...

5:00pm - hanging in there. She has not been checked yet so we are not sure where she is at. It is past due so hoping for a better update soon...

6:15pm - She was checked 15 minutes ago and was only at a 5 so...Dax is settled in for a little longer I think. She is sleeping which is great. I imagine this will be a late night delivery! We'll be back in another 30 or so...

7:00pm - good news! Meghan just threw up! I don't know if that is good news except that it meant closer to delivery for my daughter in law Lael!? She is now eating ice chips. Her only challenge is that she is a bit numb and bending to reach the trash can Bryce grabbed for her was a bit challenge but not to worry. It was fast and close enough. Chelsee disappeared and reappeared to announce that she thought leaving was better so there weren't two people throwing up. She is so thoughtful.

10:50pm- WE ARE PUSHING! Well when I say "we" I mean Meghan...Dr. Walsh (the obgyn) said it could be an hour or so of pushing before he gets here. We have a countdown! She is doing great, though she has thrown up 5 times total now. I think the next update will be with pictures of baby Dax!

11:40pm-Still pushing...what a trooper! We did see his head though, he has dark black hair!

12:25am- Meg has been pushing for 2 hours now and Dr. Walsh has decided that since Dax is so big and he has not made much progress that a C-section is in both Meghan and Dax's best interest. Meghan is brave and is okay with the decision. She and Bryce will be heading into delivery soon. Updates to follow. If you are still reading this, say a prayer for her and Dax. We all will be here in room #5.

1:00 am - OK, we packed up the room and are officially homeless. It will take an hour before we see Mom, Dad and baby Dax. They are both at peace. I think Megs is relieved. She is soooo tired! I asked the Dr. about the current opinion on C-sections. She said she may have to have them for future deliveries but not always. Dax is just to big. She also said that it would not limit the number of children they could have. That is usually a concern. Bryce was able to take his camera with him and will be able to take pictures after things settle down. It will be late but we will post what we can before we head back to our hotel and a few hours of sleep. Chelsee and I are planning on cooking tomorrow and putting meals in the freezer. Stephanie (Megs BFF in Kentucky) assured me that the ward will take good care of them in light of the longer recovery. See you in an hour.

2:00am- Are you still there? Dax Nielson is officially here! Dax's proud Dad just came to the waiting room to announce to Me, Chelsee, and Meghan's other BFF Stephanie that he is here safe and sound. Pictures coming soon!! Congrats Meghan and Bryce! We love you!!


  1. That is awesome!! Good luck Meghan!!

  2. Meg, sleep while you can...your sleeping days are soon over!! lol

  3. Thank you Christi for sharing with us. I can't thank you enough! I've been glued to the blog all day waiting for all the news. Meghan is so lucky to have you in her life!

  4. It is a sweet time to be with her. I am grateful I could be here and hope you have felt involved in some small way.

  5. I've stayed up waiting! He is so cute and Fluffy! We're blessed

  6. Way to go Meghan! CONGRATS!!! Hope recovery goes well!

  7. I was Meghan's seminary teacher and remember oh so well how much she wanted to be a mother. SO Happy for this new baby and the beginnings of her dreams. Give her my love! I'm so proud of that awesome girl!
