
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Great Wall of China

Photo #1 - Yes, we cheated

Photo #2 - Yes, Dad and I thought we were in Hawaii...

Photo #3  - Yes, China needs help on their english translations for their signs...  I tried to resist adding this one but my humor won.

The Great Wall of China!  I called Katy but realized it was like 3 in the morning...sorry Katy!  Then I called Annie and talked to her!  Amazing phone service.

We were finally into some flora and fauna!  It was beautiful and slightly cooler.  Enjoy the pics.


  1. AH hahahha. Funny mom. Love the pic! Seriously beautiful and rainforesty landscape...(yes Jessica I know, rainforesty isn't a word)

  2. I now know where I get my funny-ness. Its all you. I wish I could have been there with you, but I promise I was there in spirit. Love you Mom.
