It has been a while since I last wrote on this blog. Since we have been home from China there have been a few challenges which make my heart heavy. My husband is shouldering the world it seems as he works day and night to wrestle with the effects of the economy on our business. I struggle between two thoughts...
- Are we holding on to what is slippery and all that that implies about Gods will in our lives?
- Is our steel being tested and is giving up Satan's victory?
What council do I give Bob? I can justify both thoughts.
Our daughter Katy has just lost her best friend, one she had hoped would be hers for for ever. How do you comfort a child's heart when it is broken like that? The first and obvious words of council is to help her feel that she is better off, that God has a better plan for her but it is hard, in times like these, for the brain to reason with the heart. If I have learned anything is this life, it is that the answer is rarely that obvious and is always elevated from worldly reasoning.
One of the phrases from my current "favorite" songs says this...
"Lord grant me thy abiding love and make my turmoil cease". (Hymn "Oh May My Soul Commune with Thee)
So to Bob and Katy (and to all those who are suffering) I pray for the Lords abiding love to bring them peace and hope that their "turmoil may cease".
As always...I love you
Christi and Mom